Message from President and CEO

Kawasaki Heavy Industries traces its history back to the 1878 founding of Kawasaki Tsukiji Shipyard by Shozo Kawasaki under a philosophy of "contributing to the nation—to society—through expertise." Afterward, the Company ventured into the rolling stock and aircraft businesses and then a wide range of other fields, such as energy and environmental engineering, industrial equipment, and motorcycles, developing into a comprehensive heavy industries enterprise. Throughout its history, the Kawasaki Group has evolved in step with its stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and the communities in which it does business, to meet the changing needs of society with innovative products and technologies in line with its founding philosophy.
Countries around the world are currently confronting crises ranging from climate change and resource depletion to poverty, hunger, demographic graying, and shrinking workforces. Amid these trying circumstances, we believe that our ultimate duty to society is achieving the Group Mission. Established in line with the spirit of the founding philosophy, it simply states: “Kawasaki, working as one for the good of the planet."
In 2020 we defined our aspirations for the Kawasaki Group in 2030 in Group Vision 2030, which will guide our efforts to realize our Group Mission. In Group Vision 2030, we identified three focal fields and created a growth scenario by backcasting from our vision for the future of society through analyses of global social issues, as well as our business strengths and competitive advantages.
We also revised our materiality (priority issues) to reflect Group Vision 2030. This process resulted in the positioning of the three focal fields as the most important areas in which we aim to achieve long-term results. The entire Kawasaki Group will take on the challenge of finding solutions to social issues through innovation and the pursuit of synergies. By taking up this challenge, we will also contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.
We are also strengthening our ESG initiatives, which we have identified as the foundation that will support our efforts to realize Group Vision 2030. We are determined to maintain the trust of society by engaging in constructive dialogue with stakeholders, and by further strengthening our commitment in such areas as the enhancement of corporate governance, consistent compliance and the prevention of corruption, environmental management, respect for human rights, the effective utilization and development of human resources, and the improvement of the work-life balance.
Our goal is to earn continuing social recognition of the value of the Kawasaki Group as a company that contributes to the realization of a sustainable future for society. We aim to achieve that by continuing to respond to the needs of society in partnership with our stakeholders, by taking up the challenge of creating solutions for various social issues, and by pursuing ESG initiatives.

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please feel free to contact us.