Ash Handling Plant
Kawasaki has supplied as many as approximately 80% of the ash handlingplants to Japan's commercial coal-fired power plants by responding to every type of boilers including a pulverized coal boiler, a fluidized bed boiler and a COM (coal-oil mixture) boiler.

The ash handling technology is divided into two-the bottom ash handling and fly ash handling.
Of the bottom ash handling system, the Magaldi Ash Cooler System (MAC System) developed by Italy's Magaldi, Inc. is a mechanical handling system requiring no cooling water uses air to cool bottom ash, contributing greatly to the drastic simplification of facilities and the effective use of heat.
As to fly ash handling, we can provide the optimum system to meet the customers' needs in consideration of fly ash density, conveying capabilities and distance.
We have pursued the `Completeness' of our system based on the mastery of advanced technologies and rich experiences.
Kawasaki with rich experiences of constructing power plants as a comprehensive engineering manufacture has mastered completely the technologies of United Conveyor Corporation, the largest ash handling equipment manufacturer in the U.S., since the technical cooperation. At the same time, we have enhanced the completeness of our system by the technical introduction of a dry clinker conveyor and a submerged chain conveyor to address diversified ash and by adding our own technologies to deliver equipment to meet the needs of power plants nationwide.

Ash Handling Technology by Kawasaki Plant Systems, Ltd.
Bottom Ash Handling
Fly Ash Handling
Delivery Record
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please feel free to contact us.