Kawasaki Integrated Control System (KICS)

KICS is an integrated control system for operating multiple vessel devices like controllable pitch propellers, azimuth thrusters, side thrusters, rudders, etc.
Harnessing Kawasaki's control technology expertise in the field aviation and beyond, KICS is a line of state-of-the-art control systems employed by ferries, supply boats, cable layers, fishing boats and more.
It integrates the control of multiple vessel devices via the simple operation of a joystick and heading control dial. KICS can be linked to different navigational devices, enabling operators to incorporate anything from a dynamic positioning system (DPS) designed to automatically maintain a vessel's position and heading to an autopilot function that navigates a vessel along a charted course.
On top of automatically setting blade and rudder angles as well as r.p.m. to optimal levels for maximum vessel performance, it also saves energy.
Features and Product Lineup
KICS incorporates years of engineering experience and technological expertise in shipbuilding, propulsion and control systems. Optimal system engineering delivers optimal control of the entire vessel. Experienced in every facet of marine propulsion systems, Kawasaki draws from an extensive technological tool box to provide comprehensive support services for the entire system, including propulsors.
- Dynamic positioning (meets DPS class 1, 2 and 3 requirements)
- Autopilot
- Can be combined with cable laying, fish-finding, or other special devices
- Integrated joystick and auto heading control
- Integrated mode or single mode
- Entirely controlled via joystick
- Automatic heading control
- Integrated mode or single mode

Sample system configuration (KICS-5000)
KICS can pick up a range of ship motion data when incorporated with a gyrocompass, positioning system, vane anemometer, log, or other navigational devices. The system quickly calculates and automatically adjusts blade angles and revolution of multiple propulsors as well as the rudder angle to their optimal settings in light of wind, wave and other environmental conditions.

Kyushu Kyuko Ferry Co., Ltd.
Application of Joystick
control system

Shin Nihonkai Ferry Co., Ltd."Yukari"
Application of Joystick
control system

Osaka City
Fire fighting vessel
Application of Dynamic positioning system and Auto-tracking system

Ipponmatsu transport Co., Ltd.
Cable Layer "Tenzan"
Application of Dynamic positioning system and Auto-tracking system
Service Locations

Main Office
Kobe Works Marine Machinery Sales Dept. PROFILE AND MAP |
1-1, Higashi-Kawasaki-cho 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650- 8670, Japan Parts Sales Section Tel: +81-78-682-5321/ Fax: +81-78-682-5549 E-mail : marine-machinery-sales-e@khi.co.jp |
Tokyo Head Office Marine Machinery Sales Dept. PROFILE AND MAP |
14-5, Kaigan 1-chome, Minatoku, Tokyo 105-8315, Japan Overseas Sales Section Tel: +81-3-3435-2374/ Fax: +81-3-3435-2022 |
Regional Key Contact Point
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Europe) B.V. |
Tel:+31-20-6446869/ Fax:+31-20-6425725 E-mail: diesel@keb.nl |
Hong Kong, China Kawasaki Heavy Industries (H.K.) Ltd. |
Tel:+852-2522-3560/ Fax:+852-2845-2905 E-mail: khi_hk@khihk.com.hk |
Singapore Kawasaki Heavy Industries (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. |
Tel:+65-6225-5133/ Fax:+65-6224-9029 E-mail: cs3_info@khi.co.jp |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Kawasaki Machinery do Brasil Maquinas e Equipamentos Ltda. (Rio de Janeiro Office) |
Tel:+55-21-2226-3938 / Fax:+55-21-2225-3613 E-mail: service@kawasakijuko.com.br |
Overseas Office
Beijing, China Beijing Office |
Tel:+86-10-6505-1350 / Fax:+86-10-6505-1351 |
Shanghai, China Kawasaki Heavy Industries Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. |
Tel:+86-21-3366-3100 / Fax:+86-21-3366-3108 |
Taipei, Taiwan Taipei Office |
Tel:+886-2-2322-1752 / Fax:+886-2-2322-5009 |
Delhi, India Delhi Office |
Tel:+91-11-4358-3531 / Fax:+91-11-4358-3532 |
Moscow, Russia Moscow Office |
Tel:+7-495-258-2115 / Fax:+7-495-258-2116 |
New York, USA Kawasaki Heavy Industries(USA), Inc. |
Tel:+1-917-475-1195 / Fax:+1-917-475-1392 |
Houston, USA Kawasaki Heavy Industries (USA), Inc. (Houston Branch) |
Tel:+1-713-654-8981 / Fax:+1-713-654-8187 |
Dubai, UAE Kawasaki Heavy Industries Middle East FZE |
Tel:+971-4-214-6730 / Fax:+971-4-214-6729 |
Sao Paulo, Brazil Kawasaki Machinery do Brasil Maquinas e Equipamentos Ltda. |
Tel:+55-11-3266-3318 / Fax:+55-11-3289-2788 |
Service Station
- Ravensburg, Germany
Andritz Hydro GmbH - Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Turbo-Technik Reparature-Werft GmbH & Co. KG - Zaltbommel, The Netherlands
Promac BV - Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Wetering Rotterdam - Ridderkerk, The Netherlands
Nabmic b.v. Netherlands (Remote Control System) - Singapore
Polestar Marine Consultants Pte. Ltd. - Singapore
Nabtesco Marine Service Singapore Pte Ltd. (Remote Control System) - Busan, Korea
Hasung Marine Corp. - Busan, Korea
Jonghap Maritime Inc. - Busan, Korea
Plus Engineering Co.Ltd. - Shanghai, China
Shanghai Wenyuan Marine Equipment Co.Ltd. - Dalian, China
Dalian Wanfang Marine Technology Co.Ltd. - Mumbai, India
Ind-Aust Maritime Pvt.Ltd. - Seatle, USA
NW Propeller OperationsInc. - Dubai, UAE
Albwardy Marine Engineering L.L.C - Sharjah, UAE
Technology Ventures Middle East FZC - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Naproservice Offshore Estaleiros do Brasil Ltda. - Itajai SC, Brazil
Detroit Brasil Ltda. - Santos, Brazil
Metalock Brasil Ltda.
If you need more information about our business,
please feel free to contact us.
Tel. +81-3-3435-2374