Message from the President
Kawasaki: A Corporate Group that Aptly Evaluates Social Needs and Swiftly Accommodates Changes

Representative Director
President and Chief Executive Officer
The world is currently undergoing a major paradigm shift driven by an array of factors. These include an increased risk of environmental deterioration due to rapid industrial development and population expansion in emerging economies, shrinking workforces as a result of “graying” societies in developed nations, progressing globalization propelled by growing air travel and logistics networks, and even more widespread use of the Internet. In addition, we are severely affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic. Such significant changes have compelled us to reassess our lifestyles, the way we do business, and the values with which we have been living.
Since its incorporation in 1896, for more than 120 years, the Kawasaki Group has been developing sophisticated technologies and generating knowledge used for manufacturing products that encompass the land, sea, and air sectors. Accommodating to the changing times, and with an unswerving determination to provide products and services that best serve the diverse needs of people around the world, we create value for our customers through our cutting-edge technologies. This commitment serves our mission to broaden the potential of our customers and society and ultimately to fulfill our Group mission: “Kawasaki, working as one for the good of the planet.”
In order to keep abreast of social needs and resolve challenges in response to the expectations and confidence that our customers have placed in us, we consider it imperative to rapidly accommodate changes in the times and to develop more products and services with added value for our customers. We therefore set “Trustworthy Solutions for the Future” as our vision to be achieved by 2030. This vision expresses our commitment to “making available in a timely manner innovative solutions which accommodate an ever-changing society in order to create a hopeful future” and “acting without organizational and divisional boundaries and taking up challenges to expand the horizons of our potential for further growth.”
Our approach of always collaborating with our customers to devise solutions and implementing them speedily serves our corporate message : “Changing Forward.” Moreover, by expanding our global business and continuing to grow, while ensuring compliance with the law and implementing Group-wide social responsibility activities, Kawasaki aspires to be a company that is even more trusted by people around the world.
For these endeavors, I would like to sincerely request your continued support.