Centrifugal Compressor / Offshore Compression Module

Kawasaki Centrifugal Compressors(KCC) are hard at work throughout the oil and gas industry and elsewhere. We've earned high marks with our highly reliable compressors and gas compression modules for offshore equipment on top of a proven track record in the Indian and Southeast Asian markets. Kawasaki is continually moving forward to make new market inroads that will enable us to take our energy and environmental business to new heights.
- Optimal design tailored to customer specifications and compliant with API standards.
- High quality and superior reliability backed by over half a century of gas industry experience.
- Ideally suited the challenging offshore platform.


Compressor R-S TYPE (SPLIT TYPE)

Gas Compression Module
Oil Free Compressor, MAG Comp™

Compressor modules for SHG platform, ONGC(India)

Compressor modules for CHAMPION-7 platform, BSP(Brunei)
Catalog Download
- [NEWS] May 27, 2013 Kawasaki Shipped Natural Gas Compressors for FPSO to be used in Oil Project off Vietnam
- [NEWS] Jan 25, 2011 Natural Gas Compressors Shipped to Korea National Oil Corporation
If you need more information about our business,
please feel free to contact us.
Tel. +81-3-3435-2370