Cement Waste Heat Power Plant

The Cement Plant Waste Heat Power Generation Plant is a facility to generate power by recovering heat from waste gas discharged from a cement plant. This is an energy saving system to cover approximately 30 % of the total electric consumption of a cement plant. Kawasaki has the world's largest market share in delivering the Waste Heat Power Generation Plant to the latest cement plant with a PH tower. We have been providing this plant to the 29 cement plants worldwide including projects in progress since 1980, with its average power generation of 12, 400 kW and its maximum of 30, 500 kW. We have delivered to Indian, Taiwanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean cement plants as well as Japanese cement plants.
The Cement Plant Waste Heat Power Generation Plant generates electric power by a steam turbine utilizing steam produced from the heat of two sources--pre-heater waste gas (PH waste gas) and air quenching cooler waste gas (AQC waste gas) .
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